Kamis, 31 Desember 2009

Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009

Tribal Tattoo Designs

One of the most popular types of tribal tattoos designs would be Celtic style. Deriving from the U.K., Celtic tattoos make use of an endless not or weave that represents the circle of life. Celtic tattoos also incorporate the Christian faith with a unique cross, the tree of life and the holy trinity design. Also, Celtic tattoos look great in simple dark ink.
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Kamis, 24 Desember 2009

Senin, 21 Desember 2009

Jumat, 18 Desember 2009

Selasa, 15 Desember 2009

Jumat, 11 Desember 2009

Crown Tattoo Design

Crown Tattoo DesignCrown Tattoo Design
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Rabu, 09 Desember 2009

Rusian Tattoos With Skulls

Rusian Tattoos With Skulls
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Rusian Tattoos Cathedrals And Churches

Cathedrals And Churches
READ MORE - Rusian Tattoos Cathedrals And Churches

Rusian Tattoos Mafia Tattoos In Hollywood

Mafia Tattoos In Hollywood
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Rusian Tattoos

Rusian Tattoos
READ MORE - Rusian Tattoos

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Senin, 07 Desember 2009

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009

Angel Tattoo

Angel Tattoo
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Full Tattoo Design On Back

Full Tattoo Design On Back for men
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Back Tattoo Wing And Foot Design

Back Tattoo Wing And Foot Design, athour collection picture tattoo for you
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Minggu, 29 November 2009

Feminine Hawaiian Tattoo

Feminine Hawaiian Tattoo
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Fantasy Back Tattoo

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Back Wing Full Body Tattoo

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Parade Japanese Tattoo

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Two Head Skull Tattoo

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Men Flower Tattoo

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Chinese Dragon Tattoo

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Wicked Gaming Tattoos Back

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Head Bald Tattoo

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Extreme Baby Sleeve Tattoo

Extreme Baby Sleeve Tattoo picture
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Sabtu, 28 November 2009

Kamis, 26 November 2009

Senin, 23 November 2009

Close To Heart Tattoo Design

Close To Heart Tattoo DesignA colorful tattoo on chest and biceps
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Minggu, 22 November 2009

Jumat, 20 November 2009

Fish Koi Tattoos

For the Japanese koi fish represent strength and power because they are often able to lift their entire body up and jump out of the water. Koi fish tattoos are beautiful and wildly popular right now. Koi fish tattoos of course have a long history and go all the way back to ancient Japanese times and it is a definite Japanese or Asian tattoo theme. Therefore the tattoos that represent koi fish
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Letter Tattoo Designs

The next factor to consider is to choose the letter tattoo design that you wish to get. The moment when you already decided about the location, it is the best time to consider the kind of tattoo that you are going to incorporate into your body. For the letters, you are free to go for an Old English kind, a graffiti kind of font, or a logo font depending on your personal preference. It will be
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Kamis, 19 November 2009

Stars Tattoo

Stars Tattoo
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Rabu, 18 November 2009

Senin, 16 November 2009

Minggu, 15 November 2009

Lower back - Horse Tattoos

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Hand Tribal Tattoo

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Red Koi Fish Tattoo in The Water

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Choosing your Rose Tattoo Designs

The color of a rose has a great significance and meaning, so before allowing yourself to be ‘pricked’, it would be wise to first choose the color you want for your rose, and whether it will suit the design you have chosen for yourself. So, whether it is a tribal rose tattoo design you are choosing, or whether it is a rose and heart design, the color of the design is a very important factor to
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Jumat, 13 November 2009

Tattoo History - A Brief History of Tattoos and Body ArtTattoo History - A Brief History of Tattoos and Body Art

Being one with the group or for standing out, the tattoo has always been a good bet. Here is a brief history of tattoos.Humankind has always tried to enhance their looks. Therefore, jewelery, clothes and other accessories have been present since time incarnate. One of the oldest ways of decorating oneself known to human kind was the tattoo. Here is a brief history of the tattoo. Tattoos have been
READ MORE - Tattoo History - A Brief History of Tattoos and Body ArtTattoo History - A Brief History of Tattoos and Body Art

Why Would Anyone Get Feet Tattoo?

Here are some pictures of foot tattoosFind good foot tattoos on great-tattoo-designs.blogspot.comThe question is a valid one. People usually get tattoos because they are a visual representation of something important to the wearer. If a person really wants to physically exhibit a pictorial image, why get feet tattoo?foot tattoos imagesFirst of all, people don’t always wear footwear that fully
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Latest New tattoo designs

Here are some latest tattoo designs.heart-wing tattoo on the backfemale back flower tattoocool tribal dragon tattoo designs
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Fish Tattoo

a cool fish tattoo on the back
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Kamis, 12 November 2009

Rabu, 11 November 2009

Pretty Flower Tattoos

A flower tattoo it's one of the most basic tattoos, and it's usually a first and best choice for anyone who wants to be a part of this peculiar form of art. To a beginner this option is acceptable within a social point of view. Women are the ones that mostly choose flowers as tattoos, and often as the beginning they choose them as their primary.Tattoos of Flowers are more appealing to women. And
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Celtic Painting and Tattoos Creating Sensual Atmosphere

The Celtic art is one of the most ancient artforms. Many paintings and drawings are now used as tattoos. People like these Celtic symbols as tattoos on their body parts.In many of the Celtic paintings, you would find a woman standing with a long spear held upright in her left or right hand. It was customary to wear only a large ring around the woman's waist, from which a curved sword would
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Senin, 09 November 2009

The Secrets of the Hawaiian Flower Tattoo Design

Many people choose a tattoo with a floral theme. Hawaiian flower tattoos are particularly popular. This may be to commemorate a special affinity one holds with the Hawaiian Islands, or it may be that the exotic look of these tropical flowers has a special meaning. Either way, many Hawaiian flowers find their way into body art.The hibiscus is the state flower of Hawaii, and it is the most
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Hottest Tattoo Designs For Girls and Sexy Places of Tattoos

There is no better way to express one's self than with a tattoo. But unlike in the past, society now allows girls to get tattoos just like the boys. In fact, most men find it tattoos on girls extremely sexy especially with the appropriate design and when placed at the most strategic places of the body.When it comes to popular female tattoos, butterfly tattoos rank first in the list. There is
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Thinking of Getting a Forearm Tattoo?

Forearm tattoo designs are an extremely popular place to get tattoos for those who want to go all-out with their tattoos. These tattoos are not for the timid. Some people are afraid to get tattoos below their sleeve line because they don't want to mess up a potential job interviews, etc. This probably isn't a concern if you're considering getting a one of these tattoos done.Two other
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Sabtu, 07 November 2009

New Butterfly Tattoo Design

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Tattoo Designs For Different People

For many people, tattoos are form of self-expression, each person who loves tattoos love to tell their story with their body art. For many choosing a tattoo that represent them in an important undertaking. They want a tattoo that is fun, original, creative and offers insight into their personalities.There are many great designs options when choosing your particular tattoo. One type of design meet
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Jumat, 06 November 2009

Sexy Lower Back Tattoo Designs For Women

The lower back is a great area to tattoo, especially for women. This is a uniquely feminine area of the body. The back is normally the most toned and muscled part of the body. It is the powerhouse of the body, and concentrating focus on that area with sexy back tattoo designs for women is a great idea.Popular back tattoos include nature symbols like sun, moon, and stars. Signs of the zodiac are
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Feminine Tattoo Designs

Women are more delicately built as compared to men, and hence their tattoos too are delicate. Delicate things like flowers, and butterflies have always been associated with femininity throughout the centuries. But this does not mean that women can have only small and delicate feminine tattoos, many women have been observed to prefer the large and bold tattoos just like the men. However, a great
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Rabu, 04 November 2009

Beautiful Tattoo Ideas of Girls

Beautiful Tattoo Ideas of Girls: Many designs and images are yet to be discovered. The only medium that can provide an extreme head-to-toe makeover for a person is tattooing.The experience is much like repainting a car, except that tattoos are much more specifically targeted per area on the body. Examples of the most prominent (tattoos) designs available for girls are remarkable in the quality
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Selasa, 03 November 2009

Phoenix Tattoos

.fullpost{display:none;} The phoenix incorporates notions of life, rebirth and renewal. If you are contemplating a phoenix bird tattoo you need to take these values into account. Also, a phoenix bird of fire tattoo must be of sufficient size to make an impact. This is a magnificent bird and deserves respect - size is important. You simply can't represent the idea of eternal life with a small
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Lower Back Tattoo Designs

Lower back tattoos are always sexy to an extent. Right above the bottom and between the hips is the perfect place for a sexy tattoo. All tattoo designs are not made equal, though, and choosing a tattoo design can take just as long as it would if you were getting a tattoo anywhere else
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Minggu, 01 November 2009

Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009

Celebrity Tattoo Regret - Angelina Jolie

For some people the reason they refrain from getting a tattoo in the first place is because they feel they will regret their tattoo decision or they just simple can't comprehend the idea of having inked embedded in their skin for the rest of your life. However, that is just a chance you are going to have to take when you get a tattoo.But don't fret you are not a lone in the tattoo regret
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Senin, 26 Oktober 2009

Japanese Tattoo Design

Japanese tattoo designs will continue to be one of them ore special and original styles. While this holds true, it is getting very hard to find the original, well drawn artwork on the net. There is just so much generic content floating around and that's all most people are seeing. Here's the real deal on quickly getting directly to the websites that have fresh, high quality Japanese tattoo
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Minggu, 25 Oktober 2009

Vic's Tattoos

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The Bouncing Souls Band Logo Tattoo

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Angel Portrait Tattoo

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Tribal Lower Back Tattoo

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Ornamental Dotwork Skulls

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Feminine Mehndi

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Abstract Female Backpiece

READ MORE - Abstract Female Backpiece

Marquesian Half-Sleeve Back View

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Feminine Mehndi-Inspired Back

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Ornamental Dotwork Skull

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Ornamental Dotwork Skulls

READ MORE - Ornamental Dotwork Skulls

Feminine Backpiece

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Mixed Tribal Sleeves

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Dotwork Tattoo Foot

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Dotwork tattoo

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Polynesian-Inspired Half-Sleeve

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Tribal shoulder

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Henna inspired dotwork

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Henna-inspired dotwork

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Henna inspired half

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Feminine Half Sleeve

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Rabu, 21 Oktober 2009

Kanji tattoo symbols and tribal butterfly tattoo

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Maori Tattoo

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What makes a good tattoo artist

by Marie Gerber For many people, getting a tattoo is a big decision and one that shouldn't be rushed. Despite advances in laser technology, a tattoo is generally still thought of as a permanent alteration to your body and you
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Eagle Tattoo Designs

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Eagle Tattoos

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Eagle Tattoo

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womans sexy and weird body tattoo

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Cool dragon tattoos for men

Do you love the dragon tattoos? There are western and eastern dragon tattoos, no matter what they mean, but these kind of tattoos are really awesome! Men do love Dragon tattoos.For men, most of dragon tattoo designs do not include color—mostly because men tend to believe that adding color makes the tattoo less masculine and more feminine. There are different dragon tattoo designs in color that
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Cool Arm Tattoo Designs for men

picture of arm tattoomens arm tattoo design
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Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009

Hawaiian Flower Tattoos

aHawaiian flower tattoos can be a great way to express your homage to the Hawaiian culture. Get familiar with Hawaiian flowers and what they can symbolize.Hawaiian Flower TattoosBy David Schwinler"Hawaiian flower tattoos" can be a great way to express your homage to the Hawaiian culture. If you're considering a Hawaiian flower tattoo but are reluctant to submit to a common and predictable flower
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Kokopelli Tattoo Designs

The Kokopelli figure is associated with the Southwest, specifically the Pueblo Indian regions. Oftentimes, the figure takes on the shape of a stopped flute player, and is generally portrayed to be male. People who decide to get a Kokopelli tattoo are usually in search of something or want to be reminded of something they have received or accomplished. The Kokopelli figure is also described as a
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Rose Tattoo Design Ideas

A very popular tattoo image is a rose tattoo design. This can appear in many different styles and designs with some images looking like single roses and others looking like bunches of flowers. Sometimes the rose tattoo design appears as a border around other tattoo designs as ornamentation. Almost every tattoo shop in the world has this sort of flower design within their tattoo image catalog.
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Senin, 19 Oktober 2009

Tattoo Lettering

tattoos have some form of lettering in them. Whether it be a name, a date or even a scripture, tattoo lettering can make or break the piece. Often people don't realize just how hard it can be to do well. They assume because they've seen it so much, it must be a rudimentary skill for any tattoo artist. The truth is that all tattoo artists have specialties. Some are really great with the human form
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Dragon Tattoo Art - Finding Printable Designs For Your Dragon Tattoos

Dragon tattoo art has been one of the most sought after designs especially among male tat enthusiasts. The creature, although mythical and non-existent has strong symbolism attached to it, not to mention the artistic appeal it has when inked on one's body.Dragon tattoos can represent two different meanings depending on how they are portrayed. In the West, they are regarded as an evil and mean
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Minggu, 18 Oktober 2009

Dragon Tattoo Gallery - Where to Find the Best

Dragon tattoos are excellent choices for ink. Strong, bold, yet intricate and exact; these tattoos definitely pop out. So where can you find the best designs? A dragon tattoo gallery will contain all kinds of dragon designs. Here are 3 different options:1. Free sites online:There are a number of free gallery sites online where you can find many different tattoos, including dragons. Many of the
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Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009

Tribal Tattoos

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Good Back Tribal Tattoos

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Good Back Tribal Tattoo

READ MORE - Good Back Tribal Tattoo

Tribal Tattoos Back

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Sun Tattoos Design

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Sun Tattoos Design 3

READ MORE - Sun Tattoos Design 3

Sun Tattoos Design 4

READ MORE - Sun Tattoos Design 4

New Phoenix Tattoo Design

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Phoenix Tattoo Design 7

READ MORE - Phoenix Tattoo Design 7

Phoenix Tattoo Design 6

READ MORE - Phoenix Tattoo Design 6

Phoenix Tattoo Design 5

READ MORE - Phoenix Tattoo Design 5

Phoenix Tattoo Design 4

READ MORE - Phoenix Tattoo Design 4

Phoenix Tattoo Design 3

READ MORE - Phoenix Tattoo Design 3

Phoenix Tattoo Design 2

READ MORE - Phoenix Tattoo Design 2

Phoenix Tattoo Design 1

READ MORE - Phoenix Tattoo Design 1

Jumat, 16 Oktober 2009

Food Tattoos

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Fairy, Butterfly and Angel Tattoos - Tattoo Designs For Women

Fairy, butterfly and angel tattoos are all time favorite designs for women when it comes to body art. Come to think of it, these are all have one thing in common - they all have wings. Generally, wings symbolize freedom as it indicates flight. It also represents love, peace and is said to be the link between earth and sky.Fairies are small, mythical creatures that are beautiful and possesses
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Rabu, 14 Oktober 2009

Back Tattoo Designs - Choosing Tattoos For Amazing Artwork

Deciding on what back tattoo designs to go for can be a thorough process since this is a body canvas that is flat, smooth and large so the possibilities for a superb body art are endless. With a tattoo this magnitude, one has to consider careful planning and sufficient time in determining what imagery to go for.When going for back tattoos, you have to decide on the exact placement. There are 3
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Senin, 12 Oktober 2009

Flower Tattoo Design

Flower tattoos generally look nice, are a beautiful way to express who you are, and can be one of the easiest ways to show your fashion sense. They might not do all these things but certainly they will help you to portray whatever message you would like. Flower tattoos have a naturalistic echo to them and this can be the reason why women tend to gravitate to this type of tattoo over men. This
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Minggu, 11 Oktober 2009

Feminine Tattoo Designs Widengan

Women are more delicately built as compared to men, and hence their tattoos too are delicate. Delicate things like flowers, and butterflies have always been associated with femininity throughout the centuries. But this does not mean that women can have only small and delicate feminine tattoos, many women have been observed to prefer the large and bold tattoos just like the men. However, a great
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Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2009

Tattoo Designs For the Arm

By far, most individuals choose to get their first visible tattoo on their arm. Tattoo designs for the arm vary as much as do individual tastes. There are a few factors one must consider when commissioning such a piece. Most importantly, of course, is the size of one's arm! One should also keep in mind that one's arms will likely get smaller or larger as they age and that this may affect the
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Jumat, 09 Oktober 2009

Butterfly Tattoo

There are a few reasons why people choose to have a butterfly tattoo. To some, the meaning of a butterfly is symbolic and it represents a defining moment in their lives. Others choose butterflies only because they are so beautiful and make gorgeous tattoos.So what is the symbolic meaning of a butterfly? These lovely winged creatures have many meanings and they are different in many cultures:
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Sexy Girl Tattoo

The right kind of tattoo on a girl can be incredibly sexy. Here are some important points when going for a sexy girl tattoo:1. What kind of design? A sexy girl tattoo should be something erotic, exotic, and even a little dangerous looking. What you should not get is something "cute", like a rose or some common type of girl tattoo. The design that stands out is going to be strong and sexy. You
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Rabu, 23 September 2009

Neck Star Tattoos

As you know, the star tattoo is very popular these days, my friend said that at least 10 people get star tattoo everyday. This is a nice little neck tattoo. A heart on top of a heart on top of a heart. I’m not sure what it is meant to mean to this person, if anything. The artwork is lower end but good enough for what this neck tattoo is. And of course this tattoo is one of those that few people
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Senin, 21 September 2009

Sabtu, 19 September 2009

Girl Back Tattoo Ideas

A popular tattoo placement for Girl Tattoo's have been on the back, specifically the lower back. Here are some girl back tattoo ideas and tips that would work well for that area.1. Flowers, butterflies, or dragons! These range from the pretty to the dangerous. Whatever your personal tastes are, some popular choices for lower back tattoos have been flowers symbolizing feminine qualities, a
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Selasa, 08 September 2009

Senin, 17 Agustus 2009

How to Tattoo- The process of tattooing

The art of tattooing is not a difficult task at all. The people who seek to join this profession will know that a little training is all they need and they can become tattoo professionals. The basic technique of tattooing involves a stencil and the gun machines that engrave the tattoo in to the skin with a proper ink. First the customer selects the design that he or she wished to support on their
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Cute tattoo for girls

Hi there, today I will present a cute tattoo to you.Yes, Every girl love cute things,including a cute girls tattoo which looks fantastic. However it can be hard to choose a cute girl tattoo as there as so many cute designs out there! How to choose one without regret? You can browse tattoo galleries online and find the perfect one.You will find the cute girls tattoo designs are often small, but
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Sun Tattoos Design 2

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Selasa, 28 Juli 2009

Chinese dragon tattoo

The dragon tattoo design makes a unique and powerful personal statement for the individual who chooses it for self-expression in body art.And the Chinese dragon tattoo is really awesome.The Chinese dragon has been a symbol of power and mystery The meaning of Chinese dragon tattooIn medieval Europe, the dragon was a bloodthirsty, fire-breathing figure. Its malevolence and ferociousness struck
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Sabtu, 18 Juli 2009

Japanesa Tattoo

When it comes to cool ideas of tattooing you can 't obtain the cooler much that the Japanese. Japanese tattooings can be called irezumi or more correctly the horimono and often are very coloured and strongly detailed. Obtaining good pretty much guarantees congratulations of the people due to their exotic origin and great design. Koi - Nishikigoi.Now you can think it odd to have a fish tattooed on
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Senin, 13 Juli 2009

Japanese Tattoo Designs Art

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Japanese Koi Tattoos Design

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Japanese Dragon Tattoo

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Sexy Japanese Dragon Tattoo

READ MORE - Sexy Japanese Dragon Tattoo

Kanji Tattoo Design

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The Amazing Japanese Tattoos

READ MORE - The Amazing Japanese Tattoos

Japanese Koi Tattoos Design

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Sexy Japanese Tattoos of Geisha Tattoo

READ MORE - Sexy Japanese Tattoos of Geisha Tattoo

Sabtu, 04 Juli 2009

Tattoos on wrist -character

People love get character tattoos on their wrist, and these are really cool.This is a cool tattoo owned by i'mcool said:it means a lot to me and i've wanted it for a long time now. i'm so happy that i've finally done it.(this is for every person that plays an important role in my life.and it is also to remind myself that when there is no one else there i have the strength within myself.....corny.
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Jumat, 03 Juli 2009

Alien Tattoo

Alien Tattoo
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Rabu, 01 Juli 2009

Cobra tattoo designs,cobra tattoo pictures and cobra tattoo meaning

free Cobra tattoo designs Cobra tattoo designs image@istockphoto.comDo you love snake tattoo?If you love the awesome snake tattoo, you must love the king cobra tattoo!Right.The cobra tattoo is really cool!Here are some cobra tattoo pictures for you.If you want to have a new tattoo, you may consider this if you want.But, before you do this tattoo, should know the meaning of cobra tattoos!tribal
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Kamis, 25 Juni 2009

Kanji Tattoos

When choosing kanji symbols is that they are only one of three writing systems used in Japan --which is where kanji is used (not China). Kanji is the oldest and most complicated of the three writing systems( kanji, hiragana and katakana). The other systems are hiragana and katakana, with katakana being the most familiar to westerners. Why the most familiar? Because katakana is used specifically
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Minggu, 21 Juni 2009

Japanese Style Tattoos

Japanese Style Tattoos  
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Japanese Koi Fish Tattoos

Japanese Koi Fish Tattoos  
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Angels Tattoo#2

Angels Tattoo  
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Angels Tattoos

Angels Tattoos  
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Sabtu, 20 Juni 2009

Rabu, 17 Juni 2009

Japanese Character Tattoo and beautiful flower on the back

girls back tattoo from our content sponser:HUGO MAYENDR. TATTOO STUDIO - GARDED GROVETel:1-714-590-2808
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Tribal Phoenix Tattoo Designs Pictures

Latest new Tribal tattoo designs Free Tribal Phoenix Tattoo Designsthe phoenix incorporates notions of life, rebirth and renewal. This is a great symbol for 'starting again' or 'washing away the old.' If you are contemplating a phoenix bird tattoo you need to take these values into account.Free Phoenix Tattoo Design picturesCool Tribal Phoenix Tattoo Designs freeAlso, a phoenix bird of fire
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Rabu, 10 Juni 2009

cool 3d spider tattoo on arm

arm spider tattoo if you are just looking for spider tattoos, here are a lot cool desings, if you are searching for 3D spider tattoos, here are more 3d spider tatoo pictures author unknow
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Selasa, 09 Juni 2009

Free Chinese symbol tattoos for Love

chinese symbol for love in Chinese [ai]Here is a chinese symbol tattoo picture for you.
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Rabu, 03 Juni 2009

Girls Cute Heart Tattoos

Heart and star tattoos are the most popular tattoos in the girls.Not only these tattoos are good ofr women, because they are really beautiful! here are some cute heart tattoo pictures for you.girls heart tattoo on the back image@cute heart tattoo on foot image atcute heart tattoo designspicture of cute heart tattoo
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Rabu, 27 Mei 2009

FREE 12 Zodiac Tattoo Designs Gallery

Astro signs -I love these tattoosWhat better way to illustrate your star sign, than with a zodiac tattoo. Here at Tattoo Fashion, we have a fantastic gallery of zodiac tattoo designs that will get all tattoo lovers talking. We offer all the zodiac tattoos from the astrological chart - making our zodiac tattoos look just like the real thing!Zodiac denotes an annual cycle of twelve stations or "
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Minggu, 24 Mei 2009

girly tattoo pictures

girly foot star tattoo picture -temporary tattoo for girlsThis cute lower back tattoo is perfect for a girly girl who wants something simple and feminineBack girly tattoo picture
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Jumat, 22 Mei 2009

Sexy Girl Lower Back Tattoo

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